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The ExternalSecret describes what data should be fetched, how the data should be transformed and saved as a Kind=Secret:

  • tells the operator what secrets should be synced by using to explicitly sync individual keys or use spec.dataFrom to get all values from the external API.
  • you can specify how the secret should look like by specifying a


When the controller reconciles the ExternalSecret it will use the spec.template as a blueprint to construct a new Kind=Secret. You can use golang templates to define the blueprint and use template functions to transform secret values. You can also pull in ConfigMaps that contain golang-template data using templateFrom. See advanced templating for details.

Update Behavior

The Kind=Secret is updated when:

  • the spec.refreshInterval has passed and is not 0
  • the ExternalSecret's labels or annotations are changed
  • the ExternalSecret's spec has been changed

You can trigger a secret refresh by using kubectl or any other kubernetes api client:

kubectl annotate es my-es force-sync=$(date +%s) --overwrite


Individual features are described in the Guides section:


Take a look at an annotated example to understand the design behind the ExternalSecret.

kind: ExternalSecret
  name: "hello-world"

  # labels and annotations are copied over to the
  # secret that will be created
  labels: "q-team"
  annotations: 1234


  # Optional, SecretStoreRef defines the default SecretStore to use when fetching the secret data.
    name: aws-store
    kind: SecretStore  # or ClusterSecretStore

  # RefreshInterval is the amount of time before the values reading again from the SecretStore provider
  # Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h" (from time.ParseDuration)
  # May be set to zero to fetch and create it once
  refreshInterval: "1h"

  # the target describes the secret that shall be created
  # there can only be one target per ExternalSecret

    # The secret name of the resource
    # Defaults to of the ExternalSecret
    # It is immutable
    name: application-config

    # Specifies the ExternalSecret ownership details in the created Secret. Options:
    # - Owner: (default) Creates the Secret and sets .metadata.ownerReferences. If the ExternalSecret is deleted, the Secret will also be deleted.
    # - Merge: Does not create the Secret but merges data fields into the existing Secret (expects the Secret to already exist).
    # - Orphan: Creates the Secret but does not set .metadata.ownerReferences. If the Secret already exists, it will be updated.
    # - None: Does not create or update the Secret (reserved for future use with injector).
    creationPolicy: Merge

    # Specifies what happens to the Secret when data fields are deleted from the provider (e.g., Vault, AWS Parameter Store). Options:
    # - Retain: (default) Retains the Secret if all Secret data fields have been deleted from the provider.
    # - Delete: Removes the Secret if all Secret data fields from the provider are deleted.
    # - Merge: Removes keys from the Secret but not the Secret itself.
    deletionPolicy: Retain

    # Specify a blueprint for the resulting Kind=Secret
      type: # or TLS...

        annotations: {}
        labels: {}

      # Use inline templates to construct your desired config file that contains your secret
        config.yml: |
            connection: postgres://{{ .username }}:{{ .password }}@{{ .database_host }}:5432/payments

      # Uses an existing template from configmap
      # Secret is fetched, merged and templated within the referenced configMap data
      # It does not update the configmap, it creates a secret with: data["alertmanager.yml"] = ...result...
      - configMap:
          name: application-config-tmpl
          - key: config.yml

  # Data defines the connection between the Kubernetes Secret keys and the Provider data
    - secretKey: username
        key: database-credentials
        version: v1
        property: username
        decodingStrategy: None # can be None, Base64, Base64URL or Auto

      # define the source of the secret. Can be a SecretStore or a Generator kind
        # point to a SecretStore that should be used to fetch a secret.
        # must be defined if no spec.secretStoreRef is defined.
          name: aws-secretstore
          kind: ClusterSecretStore

  # Used to fetch all properties from the Provider key
  # If multiple dataFrom are specified, secrets are merged in the specified order
  # Can be defined using sourceRef.generatorRef or extract / find
  # Both use cases are exemplified below
  - sourceRef:
        kind: ECRAuthorizationToken
        name: "my-ecr"
  - extract:
      key: database-credentials
      version: v1
      property: data
      conversionStrategy: Default
      decodingStrategy: Auto
    - regexp:
        source: "exp-(.*?)-ression"
        target: "rewriting-${1}-with-groups"
  - find:
      path: path-to-filter
        regexp: ".*foobar.*"
        foo: bar
      conversionStrategy: Unicode
      decodingStrategy: Base64
    - regexp:
        source: "foo"
        target: "bar"

  # refreshTime is the time and date the external secret was fetched and
  # the target secret updated
  refreshTime: "2019-08-12T12:33:02Z"
  # Standard condition schema
  # ExternalSecret ready condition indicates the secret is ready for use.
  # This is defined as:
  # - The target secret exists
  # - The target secret has been refreshed within the last refreshInterval
  # - The target secret content is up-to-date based on any target templates
  - type: Ready
    status: "True" # False if last refresh was not successful
    reason: "SecretSynced"
    message: "Secret was synced"
    lastTransitionTime: "2019-08-12T12:33:02Z"