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Push Secrets

Contrary to what ExternalSecret does by pulling secrets from secret providers and creating kind=Secret in your cluster, PushSecret reads a local kind=Secret and pushes its content to a secret provider.

The update behavior of PushSecret is controlled by spec.updatePolicy. The default policy is Replace, such that secrets are overwritten in the provider, regardless of whether there already is a secret present in the provider at the given location. If you do not want PushSecret to overwrite existing secrets in the provider, you can set spec.UpdatePolicy to IfNotExists. With this policy, the provider becomes the source of truth. Please note that with using spec.updatePolicy=IfNotExists it is possible that the secret value referenced by the PushSecret within the cluster differs from the secret value at the given location in the provider.

By default, the secret created in the secret provided will not be deleted even after deleting the PushSecret, unless you set spec.deletionPolicy to Delete.

kind: PushSecret
  name: pushsecret-example # Customisable
  namespace: default # Same of the SecretStores
  updatePolicy: Replace # Policy to overwrite existing secrets in the provider on sync
  deletionPolicy: Delete # the provider' secret will be deleted if the PushSecret is deleted
  refreshInterval: 10s # Refresh interval for which push secret will reconcile
  secretStoreRefs: # A list of secret stores to push secrets to
    - name: aws-parameterstore
      kind: SecretStore
      name: pokedex-credentials # Source Kubernetes secret to be pushed
      annotations: { }
      labels: { }
      best-pokemon: "{{ .best-pokemon | toString | upper }} is the really best!"
    # Uses an existing template from configmap
    # Secret is fetched, merged and templated within the referenced configMap data
    # It does not update the configmap, it creates a secret with: data["alertmanager.yml"] = ...result...
      - configMap:
          name: application-config-tmpl
            - key: config.yml
    - match:
        secretKey: best-pokemon # Source Kubernetes secret key to be pushed
          remoteKey: my-first-parameter # Remote reference (where the secret is going to be pushed)

Backup use case

An interesting use case for kind=PushSecret is backing up your current secret from one provider to another one.

Imagine you have your secrets in GCP and you want to back them up in Azure Key Vault. You would then create a SecretStore for each provider, and an ExternalSecret to pull the secrets from GCP. This will generate a kind=Secret in your cluster that you can use as the source of a PushSecret configured with the Azure SecretStore.


Pushing the whole secret

There are two ways to push an entire secret without defining all keys individually.

By leaving off the secret key and remote property options.

kind: PushSecret
  name: pushsecret-example # Customisable
  namespace: default # Same of the SecretStores
  deletionPolicy: Delete # the provider' secret will be deleted if the PushSecret is deleted
  refreshInterval: 10s # Refresh interval for which push secret will reconcile
  secretStoreRefs: # A list of secret stores to push secrets to
    - name: aws-parameterstore
      kind: SecretStore
      name: pokedex-credentials # Source Kubernetes secret to be pushed
    - match:
          remoteKey: my-first-parameter # Remote reference (where the secret is going to be pushed)

This will result in all keys being pushed as they are into the remote location.

By leaving off the secret key but setting the remote property option.

kind: PushSecret
  name: pushsecret-example # Customisable
  namespace: default # Same of the SecretStores
  deletionPolicy: Delete # the provider' secret will be deleted if the PushSecret is deleted
  refreshInterval: 10s # Refresh interval for which push secret will reconcile
  secretStoreRefs: # A list of secret stores to push secrets to
    - name: aws-parameterstore
      kind: SecretStore
      name: pokedex-credentials # Source Kubernetes secret to be pushed
    - match:
        secretKey: best-pokemon # Source Kubernetes secret key to be pushed
          remoteKey: my-first-parameter # Remote reference (where the secret is going to be pushed)
          property: single-value-secret # the property to use to push into

This will marshal the entire secret data and push it into this single property as a JSON object.


This should ONLY be done if the secret data is marshal-able. Values like, binary data cannot be marshaled and will result in error or invalid secret data.