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API Overview



The External Secrets Operator extends Kubernetes with Custom Resources, which define where secrets live and how to synchronize them. The controller fetches secrets from an external API and creates Kubernetes secrets. If the secret from the external API changes, the controller will reconcile the state in the cluster and update the secrets accordingly.

Resource model

To understand the mechanics of the operator let's start with the data model. The SecretStore references an bucket of key/value pairs. But because every external API is slightly different this bucket may be e.g. an instance of an Azure KeyVault or a AWS Secrets Manager in a certain AWS Account and region. Please take a look at the provider documentation to see what the Bucket actually maps to.

Resource Mapping


The idea behind the SecretStore resource is to separate concerns of authentication/access and the actual Secret and configuration needed for workloads. The ExternalSecret specifies what to fetch, the SecretStore specifies how to access. This resource is namespaced.

kind: SecretStore
  name: secretstore-sample
  controller: dev
      service: SecretsManager
      role: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/team-a-reader
      region: us-east-1
            name: awssm-secret
            key: access-key
            name: awssm-secret
            key: secret-access-key
The SecretStore contains references to secrets which hold credentials to access the external API.


An ExternalSecret declares what data to fetch. It has a reference to a SecretStore which knows how to access that data. The controller uses that ExternalSecret as a blueprint to create secrets.

kind: ExternalSecret
  name: example
  refreshInterval: 1h
    name: secretstore-sample
    kind: SecretStore
    name: secret-to-be-created
    creationPolicy: Owner
  - secretKey: secret-key-to-be-managed
      key: provider-key
      version: provider-key-version
      property: provider-key-property
  - key: remote-key-in-the-provider


The ClusterSecretStore is a global, cluster-wide SecretStore that can be referenced from all namespaces. You can use it to provide a central gateway to your secret provider.


The External Secret Operator (ESO for brevity) reconciles ExternalSecrets in the following manner:

  1. ESO uses spec.secretStoreRef to find an appropriate SecretStore. If it doesn't exist or the spec.controller field doesn't match it won't further process this ExternalSecret.
  2. ESO instanciates an external API client using the specified credentials from the SecretStore spec.
  3. ESO fetches the secrets as requested by the ExternalSecret, it will decode the secrets if required
  4. ESO creates an Kind=Secret based on the template provided by The can be templated using the secret values from the external API.
  5. ESO ensures that the secret values stay in sync with the external API

Roles and responsibilities

The External Secret Operator is designed to target the following persona:

  • Cluster Operator: The cluster operator is responsible for setting up the External Secret Operator, managing access policies and creating ClusterSecretStores.
  • Application developer: The Application developer is responsible for defining ExternalSecrets and the application configuration

Each persona will roughly map to a Kubernetes RBAC role. Depending on your environment these roles can map to a single user. Note: There is no Secret Operator that handles the lifecycle of the secret, this is out of the scope of ESO.

Access Control

The External Secrets Operator runs as a deployment in your cluster with elevated privileges. It will create/read/update secrets in all namespaces and has access to secrets stored in some external API. Ensure that the credentials you provide give ESO the least privilege necessary.

Design your SecretStore/ClusterSecretStore carefully! Be sure to restrict access of application developers to read only certain keys in a shared environment.

You should also consider using Kubernetes' admission control system (e.g. OPA or Kyverno) for fine-grained access control.

Running multiple Controller

You can run multiple controller within the cluster. One controller can be limited to only process SecretStores with a predefined spec.controller field.

Testers welcome

This is not widely tested. Please help us test the setup and/or document use-cases.